Product Development

mSemicon is very active in the area of full product development, as distinct from the development of parts of products. We combine our technical skills in the areas of electronic and mechanical engineering, with software engineering where appropriate, to develop complete products.
Sometimes these products are components of larger systems, and sometimes they are stand-alone products.
Ask Us!
mSemicon can work with you in developing your concept or idea and turning it into a successful product. We ask the questions that need to be asked, and make sure they are answered. We advise on what is possible and what is not, economically and technically. And we can tell you roughly what the product will cost, before you even start. If certification is going to be an issue, we make sure that that angle is addressed too.
As for manufacture: we supply, so we make sure your product is designed for manufacture, and is not just a prototype.
State Assistance
In the event that your company qualifies for State assistance from the likes of Enterprise Ireland, we can help make sure that the best use is made of that assistance.
Give us a call, or drop us an email, to discuss your product, and we would be happy to discuss it with you, with no obligation on your part.
Photograph by Ricinator (Ricarda Mölck) on Pixabay